
In eccentricity, we dance our tune,
Embracing the weird, from dusk to noon.
For in oddity’s embrace, we find our glee,
In being strange, we feel truly free.


Beneath the moon’s eerie glow,
Spooky things begin to show.
Shadows dance, whispers in the night,
Chilling tales that fill with fright.


The word “wonderful” is an adjective that describes something inspiring a sense of wonder or amazement. It suggests something extraordinary, marvelous, or exceptionally good.


Classes of All Levels

Vessel Alteration

March 6th

Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

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Painting & Scrafito

April 6-7th

Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

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Glaze Making

April 12th

Aenean et facilisis justo, vitae lobortis augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

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Explore “Dreaming on Canvas”


Donec non iaculis libero. Sed a purus sed nunc sagittis posuere. Etiam imperdiet nibh ut ex ullamcorper molestie. Mauris pellentesque augue turpis sed porttitor orci convallis.

- Rakib Hasan

Happy Students

Sed a purus sed nunc sagittis posuere. Etiam imperdiet nibh ut ex ullamcorper molestie. Mauris pellentesque augue turpis sed porttitor.

-Melissa Tran

Sed a purus sed nunc sagittis posuere. Etiam imperdiet nibh ut ex ullamcorper molestie. Mauris pellentesque augue turpis sed porttitor.

-Rakib Hosan

Get In Touch

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra. Quisque a vehicula magna.

Snail Mail

Ghostly Talk
P.O. Box 4232
Troy, MI. 48099
